About Us

We are Lilian Druve & Peter Loong and we work with people like you who are motivated and serious about building a thriving business and an amazing life. 

Over the years we have built successful Network Marketing Businesses and helped others do the same.

However, it wasn’t always easy and we learned that the way we built our business at the start wasn’t going to sustain itself longterm; home parties and hotel meetings, bugging family and friends.

We knew we had to find another way and have since learned that the key to building a sustainable business in this profession is leverage. Especially, if you are looking for true freedom in your life.

Online / Social Media

We now build our business exclusively online using an online strategy that attracts new prospects daily. This means we never run out of interested people.

We believe that everyone has something special and unique to bring to the world and are here to help you turn your uniqueness into a thriving online business, step by step, with a positive mindset.

We work with our team, and can offer the same strategies to other network marketers, to help them discover their unique qualities and how to bring it to the world. We are all so much more than vitamins, shakes, skincare or makeup. When you can tap into who you really are you will be able to attract your tribe and build a thriving business online.

No home parties, cold calling or hotel meetings required.

Small facts

Lilian is a qualified teacher and personal development coach and has been a professional musician all her life. She has also been a prominent athlete with several world champion titles in the multisport racketlon (table tennis, badminton, squash and tennis).

Peter has been working as an engineer for 25+ years and was a successful enduro rider in his youth.

Ever since we met in 2006 we dreamed of working together from home (or from anywhere) and we are so happy that dream came through, thanks to Network Marketing and a social media online strategy.

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